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You're planning to spend more time in your cabin, you'd like to use it as a workspace but the weather in your region is certainly not the best, or you're planning a cabin or wooden house as a year-round main residence.

In these cases, you need perfect insulation for your wooden chalet.
Wood is an excellent natural insulator. The thicker it is, the better the insulation. However, in certain applications, we recommend additional insulation, whether for the roof, floor or walls.

There's a wide range of insulation products to choose from.

Are some better than others? Yes, of course there are. You'll find all the information you need at any major DIY store. So how do you choose the best one?

Unfortunately, there isn't one. It will depend on your budget, your home, your ecological convictions, your location and, above all, the regulations required.


We strongly recommend a minimum of roof or floor insulation if you want to enjoy comfortable living all year round, even though temperatures are generally lower in autumn and winter.

To make your life easier, MAESTRO CABINS offers insulation products for your project. We produce RE2020 Packs* for our houses and chalets over 50m2.  The aim is to respect the constraints of RT2012 with care managed by an approved design office.

The complete PACK includes : 

●    High-performance double-glazed carpentry,
●    68 or 90 mm log cabin + 20 mm exterior cladding
●    Rockwool insulation, for FLOOR (100mm), WALLS (150mm) and ROOF (200mm).

These options are available on request. All accessories are included in the PACK. We can also draw up the RE2020 certificate for your permit application.

Please send us your request when you ask for a quotation. It will be processed within 48 hours!

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