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Privacy Policy

In this privacy report, we, "Timber Cabins" LTD, provide information about how your personal data is processed when you visit our website and use our services.

When you visit our website for the first time, you will be asked to agree to the use of cookies under the conditions set out in this report.

Our website contains privacy control settings that give you the opportunity to decide how your personal data should be processed. In the privacy settings, you can limit the amount of information we receive about you through cookies.

This report will answer the following questions:

(a) how we use your data;

(b) to whom and when we provide your data;

(c) how long we store your data;

(d) what is our direct marketing policy;

(e) your rights related to your data;

(f) how we use cookies;

(g) what else you should pay attention to.

1. How do we use your data?

1.1. In this section, you will find the following information:

(a) categories of data we process;

(b) information about the sources of data if it is received not from you;

(c) he purposes for which we process your data;

(d) legal base of data processing.


1.2. We process information about your use of our website and the services we provide ("usage data"). Usage data may include your IP address, geographic location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit to the website, pages viewed, navigation paths on the website, as well as information about the periods and frequency of using the services. We receive this data with the help of cookies or similar technologies. We process this data in order to better understand your use of the website and the services provided on it. We process this data on the basis of a legitimate interest, namely, in order to monitor and improve the website and the services provided on it.

1.3. We process your access data ("access data"). Access data may include your name, surname, email address, telephone number, date of birth and other data provided by you during registration. We receive this data directly from you. We process access data for the purposes of website administration, service provision, ensuring the security of the website and the services provided, and for communication with you. We process this data for the purpose of executing an agreement between you and us (or, at your request, taking steps to conclude such agreement), as well as on the basis of legitimate interest, namely, in order to properly administer the website and our activities related to it.

1.4. We process information related to the goods we sell and the services we provide to you ("service data"). Service provision data may include your contact details, payment details and details of service provision (information about a specific order of goods, documents required for the conclusion and execution of a purchase and sale agreement, correspondence for the purpose of service provision etc.). Service provision data is processed in order to be able to provide you with services and to properly perform service provision accounting. We process this data for the purpose of executing an agreement between you and us (or, at your request, taking steps to conclude such agreement), as well as on the basis of legitimate interest, namely, in order to properly administer the website and our activities related to it.

1.5. We process the information you provide to us when accepting to receive our marketing communications and newsletters via email or other means of communication ("marketing communications data"). We process this data for sending relevant information and newsletters. We process this data with your consent. In addition, if we have already provided you with services on our website and you do not object to this, we will also process marketing communications data on the basis of legitimate interest, namely, in order to maintain and improve relations with existing customers.

1.6. We process information related to any communication with you ("communication data"). Communication data can include both, the content of written conversations and calls, as well as the metadata related to such communication. In the case of written conversations, the website automatically creates communication-related metadata, which is submitted to the forms on the website. We process communication data in order to contact you, as well as for accounting purposes. We process this data on the basis of legitimate interest, namely, in order to properly administer the website and our activities related to it, to ensure equal and high-quality consulting, and to examine conflict situations between you and our employees.

1.7. We may process your personal data specified in this report when it is necessary to assert, execute or defend legal claims arising under judicial, administrative or non-judicial proceedings. For this purpose, we process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest, namely, in order to protect and ensure our, your and other persons' rights.

1.8. We may process your personal data specified in this report when it is necessary to purchase or have insurance coverage, manage risks or for professional consultation purposes. For this purpose, we process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest, namely, in order to properly protect our activities from risks.

1.9. In addition to the specific purposes specified in this part of the report, we can also process your personal data when it is necessary to process them in order to fulfil our legal obligations, as well as when it is necessary to protect the vital interests of you or other natural persons.


2. To whom and when do we provide your data?

2.1. We may disclose your personal data to any of our group companies (including both, our subsidiaries and our controlling company and all its subsidiaries) to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes set out in this report.

2.2. We may disclose your personal data to our insurers and professional consultants to the extent that it is necessary to purchase or have insurance coverage, manage risks, receive professional advice, or assert, execute or defend legal claims, regardless of whether arising under a judicial, administrative or non-judicial procedure.

2.3. Financial transactions related to the provision of services on the website may be processed by our payment service providers. We share your service provision data with payment service providers only to the extent that it is necessary for the purposes of processing your payments, money transfers, complaints and inquiries related to such payments and money transfers.

2.4. We may disclose your personal data to other service providers (for example, website hosting, courier or email service providers, persons providing and maintaining servers) to the extent necessary to provide such services. With the help of subcontractors, we take all necessary measures to ensure that our data processors have implemented appropriate organizational and technical security measures and maintain the confidentiality of personal data.

2.5. In addition to the specific cases of possible disclosure of your personal data indicated in this part of the report, we may also disclose your personal data when such disclosure is necessary to fulfil our legal obligations, as well as when it is necessary to protect the vital interests of you or other natural persons.

2.6. The persons specified in this part may be established outside the Republic of Lithuania, the European Union or the European Economic Area. In the event that we transfer your personal data to such persons, we will take all necessary legal measures to ensure that your right to privacy continues to be adequately protected.


3. How long do we store your data?

3.1. We process your personal data for any purpose or purposes for no longer than is necessary for that particular purpose or purposes. In any way:

(a) access data is stored for no longer than 3 (three) years from the last update of information in your account or 10 (ten) years from the end of the last provision of services to you (depending on which event is later);

(b) service data is stored for no longer than 10 (ten) years from the date of completion of service provision;

(c) marketing communications data is stored for no longer than 2 (two) years from the date of consent or, in the case that marketing communications are sent to existing customers in order to maintain and improve relations, 2 (two) years from the end of the provision of the relevant services;

(d) communication data is stored for no longer than 2 (two) months from the end of the communication.

3.2. In certain cases, we do not have the ability to indicate the specific periods for which we will store your personal data in advance. For example, usage data will be stored as long as it is necessary for the specific purposes of its management.

3.3. Despite the terms specified above in this part of the report, we have the right to store your personal data when such storage is necessary to fulfil our legal obligations, as well as when it is necessary to protect the vital interests of you or other natural persons.


4. Direct marketing

4.1. With your consent, we will send marketing communications via email and (or) text message to share news.

4.2. Also, if we have already provided you with services and you do not object to it, we will also inform you about our other products that could be relevant to you and will provide you with information related to them.

4.3. You can opt out of receiving marketing communications at any time.

4.4. You can do this:

(a) by clicking on the relevant link in any marketing communications you receive;

(b) contacting us via email and other contacts specified on the website

4.5. If you do any of the above, we will update your profile to ensure that you no longer receive marketing communications from us in the future.

4.6. Please note that our business consists of many interconnected services and it may take several days for all systems to be updated, so you may continue to receive marketing communications while your request is still being processed.

4.7. Opting out of marketing communications will not stop communications directly related to the provision of services to you.


5. Your rights

5.1. In this part of the report, we provide you with an overview of the rights you have under data protection legislation. As the implementation of some rights is complicated, we present only the main aspects in this report. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the relevant legal acts and the guidelines of the supervisory authorities so that you have complete information about these rights.

5.2. Your main rights provided by data protection legislation are the following:

(a) the right to access data;

(b) the right to request data rectification (most of the actions related to this right can be performed by logging in to an account, if one has been created);

(c) the right to request deletion of data;

(d) the right to restrict data processing;

(e) the right to object to data processing;

(f) the right to data portability;

(g) the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority;

(h) the right to withdraw consent.

5.3. The right to access data. You have the right to receive our confirmation as to whether we are processing personal data related to you, and, in the case of processing, you have the right to familiarize yourself with the processed personal data and certain additional information. This additional information includes the purposes of data processing, categories of personal data, data recipients. Except for the cases where this would violate the rights and freedoms of other persons, we will provide you with a copy of your personal data upon your request. We will provide the first copy free of charge, but we may charge a reasonable fee for additional copies to cover administrative costs.

5.4. The right to request rectification of data. You have the right to demand that your inaccurate personal data be corrected and, taking into account the purposes of data processing, that incomplete data be supplemented.

5.5. In certain cases, you have the right to demand that your personal data be deleted. These situations include cases where: (i) personal data are no longer necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were processed; (ii) you withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for processing the data; (iii) you do not agree to the processing of data based on the provisions of relevant legal acts; (iv) data is processed for the purpose of direct marketing; (v) data is processed unlawfully. Please note that in certain cases you may not be able to exercise this right due to applicable exceptions. Such exceptions include cases where the data is necessary to: (i) exercise freedom of expression and information; (ii) comply with our legal obligations; (iii) assert, enforce or defend legal claims.

5.6. In certain cases, you have the right to restrict data processing. These situations include when: (i) you dispute the accuracy of the data; (ii) the data is processed illegally, but you do not want it to be deleted; (iii) we no longer need the personal data, but you need such data to assert, execute or defend legal claims; (iv) you have objected to data processing, on the grounds of public interest or legitimate interest, until the validity of your objection is assessed. In the event of a restriction on the processing of your data, we will continue to store your data, but we will not process it further, except: (i) with your consent; (ii) to assert, enforce or defend legal claims; (iii) to protect the rights of others; (iv) for public interest purposes.

5.7. You have the right to object to the processing of personal data based on your specific situation in cases where we process your personal data for purposes of public interest or on the basis of our or third parties' legitimate interest. If you object to such processing of your personal data, we will no longer process your relevant personal data unless we can prove that such data are being processed for compelling legitimate reasons that override your interests, rights and freedoms. We may also continue to process such data in order to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

5.8. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes (including profiling for direct marketing purposes) at any time. If you object to such processing of your personal data, we will no longer process your relevant personal data for this purpose.

5.9. You have the right to object to the processing of personal data for scientific, historical research or statistical purposes. If you object to such processing of your personal data, we will no longer process your relevant personal data for this purpose unless we can prove that such data are necessary for a task carried out for reasons of public interest.

5.10. Right to data portability. To the extent that the legal basis for our data processing is:

(a) consent; or

(b) when actions are performed at your request before the conclusion of the agreement, you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and computer-readable format. You will not be able to use this right if it has a negative impact on the rights and freedoms of others.

5.11. If you believe that we are violating data protection legislation while processing your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint and apply to Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platform -

5.12. In cases where the legal basis for data processing is your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent will not affect the legality of the processing of your data until the withdrawal.

5.13. In addition to the specific measures indicated in this part of the report or on the website, you can also exercise any of the rights mentioned in this part of the report by contacting us via email and other contacts indicated on the website


6. About cookies

6.1. Cookies are small text files that act as your identifiers, which the website server sends to your browser and which are stored in your browser. Each time the browser accesses the site's server, such an identifier is sent back to the site's server.

6.2. Normally, cookies do not contain any information that could identify the user, but your personal data that we process can be associated with information obtained and stored with the help of cookies.

6.3. We use the following cookies:


Essential cookies are necessary so that you can use various functions of the website They are necessary for the website to function and cannot be disabled. These cookies are stored on your computer, mobile phone or tablet as long as you visit the page and are valid for a limited time. Their recording depends on your actions while browsing the page, for example: changing privacy settings, logging in and filling out various forms.

Cookie title


Cookie storage period


Used to distinguish between humans and search robots; used to maintain a user session.

24 hours


Content management system cookies necessary to ensure the smooth operation of the website and allow the user to be recognized.

Persistent cookie


Content management system cookies necessary to ensure the smooth operation of the website and allow the user to be recognized.

Until the end of the session

Analytics cookies are necessary to record the number of visitors to the website and the sources of visitor traffic. Analytics cookies allow us to find out which pages are the most visited, how customers browse them, and this allows us to improve the quality of services. If you do not agree to accept these cookies, your visit to the website will not be included in our statistics.



Allows us to monitor the website using the “Google Analytics” tool.

2 years


“Google Analytics” cookie used to limit the number of requests.

24 hours


Used to collect data about the user's browsing behaviour on the website. Required for statistical reporting to the website owner.

1 year


Does not store any information. Only used to limit the sending of information to “Google Analytics”.

24 hours


“Google Analytics” cookie to distinguish users.

24 hours


“HotJar” partner cookie used to identify the user by assigning a unique ID. This is how website visitors are counted.

24 hours


“HotJar” partner cookie used to identify the user. In this way, we know whether the user is visiting the site for the first time or has already visited the site before.

24 hours


“HotJar” partner cookie used to recognize the user in order to identify problems with the website.

Until the end of the session


“HotJar” partner cookie used to create a unique ID for the visiting session to help understand user behaviour on the website.

24 hours


“Google Analytics” cookie designed to send information about the user's device and behaviour.

Until the end of the session

Marketing cookies are used to provide you with relevant information about our services, to improve the selection of content based on your browsing habits and to provide you with more opportunities on our website. These cookies may be used for the purpose of serving our advertisements on third-party websites. In this case, we would also receive information about your browsing history on the websites of our official partners where we present our advertising. If you do not agree to accept these cookies, you will only see general, non-personalized advertising when visiting the website



“Facebook” cookie intended for personalized advertising.

3 months


“Google cookie” intended for personalized advertising.

3 months


Tracking cookie used by “Microsoft Bing Ads”. It allows us to recognize users who have already visited our website.

24 hours


Tracking cookie used by “Microsoft Bing Ads”. It allows us to recognize users who have already visited our website.

1 year


“Google AdWords” is used to retarget visitors based on user behaviour online.

Until the end of the session


Used to store user session IDs and verify clicks on “Bing” search engine ads. The cookie also helps to collect statistics and personalize advertising.

24 hours


A cookie used by “Microsoft”. A unique identifier is assigned to the user and the user's behaviour on the page is monitored.

1 year


Tracks user interaction with the site's search function. This data can be used to provide the user with relevant products or services.

1 year


“Facebook” cookie used for advertising purposes.

Until the end of the session

7. How can you manage cookies?

7.1. You can delete all cookies stored on your computer; in many browsers, you can set cookies not to be stored. Please note that if cookies are disabled, you may lose the ability to use many functions necessary for the website to function properly. For more information about cookies, visit or On these websites, you can find detailed information about cookies and ways to disable them using your browser, as well as how to remove cookies that are already on your computer. In order to remove cookies from your mobile phone, you should find the relevant information in your phone's user manual.

7.2. Most web browsers give users the right to refuse or delete cookies. The means to do this may differ depending on the specific browser and its specific version. You can also access current information on how to block or delete cookies on the websites of the browser providers themselves, such as “Chrome”, “Firefox”, “Internet Explorer”, “Safari”.

7.3. Blocking cookies can have a negative impact on the use of majority of the websites.

7.4. If you block cookies, you will not be able to use all the functions of our website.

8. Third party websites

The website may contain links to and from the websites of partners, information sources, and related persons. Please note that third party websites that you access by following links on this site have their own privacy policies and we are not responsible for these privacy policies. We recommend that you read the privacy reports of these other websites before submitting any of your personal data.


9. Children's personal data

9.1. The services provided on our website are intended for persons over 18 years of age.

9.2. The personal data of persons younger than the age specified in this section is processed only if the holder of the child's parental responsibilities gives consent to do so.

9.3. If we have reasonable doubts that we are processing the data of a person who is younger than the age specified in this section, without the consent of the holder of the child's parental responsibilities, we will delete the data of such a person from the databases.

10. Data update

Please let us know if your personal information that we process needs to be corrected or updated.

Any changes to this report will be published on the website and, in case of essential changes, we will inform you about them via email.

Timber Cabins uses four main types of cookies.

By continuing to browse, you agree to the necessary cookies. You can also accept the use of other cookies. Privacy Policy