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On this page, we invite you to familiarize yourself with summer houses and other “Timber Cabins” Ltd wooden products, which are currently discounted! If you have been interested in our products for a long time, but still haven't bought the wooden house you want, now is the time to do it. Search for the best price and enjoy your new purchase!

On this page, you will find various promotions: both general discounts for a specific model of a garden room or carport, and discounts for choosing roofing, windows or other structural parts. High-quality materials, carefully thought-out projects and careful work of craftsmen – all this costs both time and money, so we understand that a summer house made of natural wood is not a cheap purchase. However, if you choose our quality wooden house or garage, you will be able to enjoy it for many years, and quality materials will ensure its durability and your comfort. We always strive to ensure the highest quality, we carefully search for the best materials, so that we can offer you ecological, long-lasting and, of course, comfortable and beautiful buildings. Follow the promotions published here and buy the model you want for a lower price!



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